Thursday, September 18, 2014

Some thoughts for my classroom parents….

I found this online and I thought it had some great ideas for at home reading!  We need to encourage reading and the love of books!  Parents you are a great resource and example to your child.  Let them see you read and then discuss the things you read with your child.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Units of Study for CVUSD

So I have been asked to help write the units of study for our district, and have been working on these since late January. I will be posting some resources that we are creating so that we can all access them next year when we all roll out COMMON CORE!

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Family Project (DUE NOVEMBER 8th)

Hello Parents-
We are finishing our theme called “We’re a Family! In this theme we discussed families and their relationships.  I am sending this note to tell you about an exciting project I have planned for your family!  This family project will be due this Friday (November 8th).  

Here is the outline of the family project:
You will be creating a family tree.  You may use whatever you want to create the tree (paper, video, poster, pictures, etc.)
  • Your family tree must contain AT LEAST your immediate family, or members of your household.
  • Your family tree must contain AT LEAST the names of family members (you can also include pictures, or drawings)
  • Your child must be able to tell us about the people in the family tree (mom, dad, grandma, grandpa, great-grandma, etc.)

Please put your family members in an order that demonstrates each generation.  See below:

If you have any questions, please feel free to ask me.  

Common Core Standards:
Speaking and Listening- Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas
Describe familiar people, places, things, and events and, with prompting and support, provide additional detail.

Add drawings or other visual displays to descriptions as desired to provide additional detail.

Speak audibly and express thoughts, feelings, and ideas clearly.

I can't wait to see the projects!
Mrs. Hinchen

Room 2 Happenings for October

So much has happened in the last couple of months that I haven't had a chance to update our little blog. We have learned so many new things that I will bullet point all of the awesome stuff we have done in the month of October.

  • We have learned so many letter names and sounds!
  • We have learned many ways to make numbers 1-10
  • We had a successful fundraiser dinner!
  • Ms. Vasquez was our awesome student teacher!  We learned so much from her and we are sad that she is done learning with our class.
  • We learned about cultural events (Dia De Los Muertos, Halloween)
  • The firemen came and taught us about their truck, the equipment they use and how to "Stop, Drop and Roll."

Learning and working together!

Dia De Los Muertos with Ms. Hassan
Halloween Nerds!
Fire Safety- We had the firemen come and visit and we learned about Stop, Drop and Roll
Ms. Vasquez was our awesome Student Teacher!
Our Spaghetti Dinner was a huge success!

Even though October is over, our learning is still going strong!  We have a lot of things to learn and do in the upcoming months!

Mrs. Hinchen

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Welcome to Room 2!

Well it's here the official start of the 2013-2014 school year!  I am so anxious!!  I know it is going to be an amazing year!  We will be learning so many new things it will be incredible!  Here is a sneak peek at the classroom...
 My new Welcome banner... it will be next to the parent information board... so check it out!
 I re-organized the library so it will be more user friendly!
 I got this as a birthday gift... that's what happens when you have teacher friends... they give you stuff for your classroom!
 Our new common core writing wall... it's going to be awesome!
 I LOVE how our daily work folders turned out... so cute!

And my new sign for the door to the classroom... this has been years in the making and I FINALLY got around to making it!

So, these are just a few of the cute things that have been changed in room 2... I am excited to start a new year.  If you are new to room 2 this year, you can find information you need for student work/ projects, etc. on this blog. I hope it becomes a useful tool for you.

Here's to a great year!

Saturday, May 18, 2013

I know I haven't posted in a while and we have done a lot of neat things in Room 2... I am still learning the art of blogging and making it a part of my teaching and communication. Please forgive me as I am trying to be better about it. I have just been so busy with life that my poor little blog has been neglected!!! Please read on....

This letter is going home on Monday along with the research packet. The idea for this project came from here:  

I saw this great little project and immediately wanted to do it with my class and instead of re-creating everything, I just purchased hers since it is absolutely perfect.  I'm sure my students will do an outstanding job on their projects as well.

Dear Room 2 Parents-

We will be starting our last theme of the year.  It is the Amazing World of Animals Theme.  I am excited because I have an exciting and rigorous project for you guys!  You will be helping your child do an Animal report.  Your student will be doing a Non-Fiction Report with the purpose to inform an audience of a topic using real information and facts.  This is a common core standard that kindergarteners should be able to do with support and guidance from adults.  You will get a packet that has pages for each part of the assignment to do with your child.  

Here is the timeline for you project:
May 20- Animal/ Type of Animal (mammal, fish, etc.)
May 21- Read and Understand the Fact Sheet
May 22- Find pictures of your animal (print them from the computer, find in magazines, books, etc.)
May 23- Diagram the parts of your animal
May 24- Habitat (where it lives)
May 28- Diet (what it eats)
May 29- Movement (how it moves)
May 30- Babies (information about its young)
May 31- Prey/ Predator Information (what it eats, what eats it)
June 3- Animal tree map (use the fact sheet to help you and any other information you have found)
June 4- 3 Interesting Facts
June 5- Favorite thing about the animal
June 6-7- Presentations in class

You can choose to do something each day, or you can choose to do it all at one time.  Your child will be getting points for this assignment, so make sure they have it ready to present by June 6, 2013.  Don’t worry, you do not have to create each page, I will provide a packet that all of the information needs to go into.  All you have to do is help your child research their animal by using the internet, the school or public library, rent videos, or visit a zoo or the Living Desert.  If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask me.

Reminders- Spring pictures and picture money is due!  Please get that into me as soon as possible.
June 10- K/1 Water day- more information to come
June 12- Room 2 Kinder promotion- more information to come

A lot of testing will also be going on in the next few weeks to make sure that each child is prepared for 1st grade.  I will send home some things that need to be worked on if there are areas they need to practice.  Thanks for all your help this year!

❤, Mrs. Hinchen

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Family Project!

We are starting a new theme called “We’re a Family!”  I am very excited about our new theme as we will discuss, learn about and explore families and their relationships.  I am sending this note to tell you about an exciting project I have planned for your family!  This family project will be due in 2 weeks (November 5th).  Here is the outline of the family project:
You will be creating a family tree.  You may use whatever you want to create the tree (paper, video, poster, pictures, etc.)

  • Your family tree must contain AT LEAST your immediate family, or members of your household.
  • Your family tree must contain AT LEAST the names of family members (you can also include pictures, or drawings)
  • Please put your family members in an order that demonstrates each generation. See below:

  • What I want is for the kids to understand  that they are connected to people who came from other places and  lived in the past where life was somewhat different. 
  • Students will be presenting their projects to the class (if you are not comfortable with that please let me know and I will just view it myself and give it a grade).
  • I'm looking forward to seeing the creative projects that you will be doing!